So, you’ve recently gone through a break-up, huh? Well, fear not, because we’ve got just the article for you.
In this piece, we’re going to uncover the top five signs that your ex may still have a flame burning for you.
Get ready to dive into the world of mixed signals, lingering affections, and question, do your ex still loves you?
Whether it’s their incessant stalking on social media or their sudden urge to be in the same places as you, we’ve got all the insight you need to decode the confusing messages from your past love.
BTW, This Video On The Subject Is Really Good!
They Maintain Regular Contact
When it comes to determining whether your ex still loves you, one of the key signs to look out for is the regularity of your communication.
If they are constantly texting or calling you, it’s a clear indication that they still have feelings for you. Whether it’s checking in to see how your day went or simply wanting to know what’s going on in your life, their consistent effort to stay in touch shows that you hold a special place in their heart.
They Show Jealousy or Possessiveness
Jealousy and possessiveness are often strong indicators that your ex still harbors feelings for you. If they become visibly upset or uncomfortable when you mention dating someone new, it suggests that they still have a stake in your love life.
Additionally, their actions may include acting suspiciously jealous or possessive, like constantly questioning your whereabouts or demanding to know who you spend your time with. Monitoring your social media activity is another red flag, as it indicates a desire to keep tabs on your life, perhaps out of a lingering emotional attachment.
They Try to Make You Jealous

Sometimes, the most unexpected sign that your ex still loves you is when they purposely try to make you feel jealous. Whether it’s mentioning new love interests or flirting with others right in front of you, these behaviors are often motivated by a desire to provoke a reaction from you.
Posting pictures with attractive people on their social media platforms serves the same purpose. By attempting to elicit a jealous response, your ex is revealing that they still care about your emotions and want to gauge your own level of interest.
They Make An Effort to Stay Connected With Your Friends or Family
When your ex genuinely cares about you, they will likely make an effort to maintain a positive relationship with your friends or family. This can manifest in various ways, such as maintaining friendships with individuals from your social circle or actively attending events or gatherings where your loved ones will be present.
By staying connected to the people who are important to you, your ex hopes to indirectly remain a part of your life and mend any potential bridges that may have been affected by the breakup.
They Consistently Bring Up Past Memories or Inside Jokes
Nostalgia can be a powerful force, especially when it comes to love and relationships. If your ex frequently references specific moments from your past relationship or brings up inside jokes that only the two of you would understand, it’s a clear sign that they still hold onto those fond memories.
By using these references as conversation starters, they are attempting to establish a familiar and intimate connection with you, signaling the longevity of their affection.
They Express Their Willingness to Change or Make Amends
A significant sign that your ex still harbors love for you is their willingness to make amends and acknowledge past mistakes. If they take the initiative to apologize for any hurt they may have caused during your relationship, it shows that they have reflected on their actions and genuinely desire to rectify them.
Additionally, when they acknowledge their faults and express a sincere desire to improve, such as by making efforts to enhance communication or change negative behaviors, it signifies a continued emotional investment in the relationship.
They Still Show Interest in Your Life
When someone loves you, they maintain curiosity and concern for your well-being. If your ex continues to ask about your hobbies, interests, or goals, it’s an indication that they are still emotionally invested in your life.
Remembering important dates or events that are significant to you further suggests that they haven’t moved on completely. Additionally, by supporting you in your endeavors, whether big or small, your ex demonstrates their unwavering care and interest in your happiness.
They Become Overly Emotional or Sentimental Around You
Emotions often reveal the depths of our feelings, and it’s no different for your ex. If they become noticeably emotional during conversations or interactions with you, it could be a sign that their love for you hasn’t diminished.
Displaying sadness or nostalgia when talking about the past is another telltale sign. If they express fond memories or display a longing for what once was, it suggests that they still hold deep sentimental feelings for you. Being more affectionate or sentimental than usual is yet another indicator of their continued emotional attachment.
They Make an Effort to Spend Time With You
An ex who still loves you will often make an active effort to spend time with you. This can be observed through their initiation of plans or suggestions for activities to do together. By prioritizing spending time with you, they are showing that you hold a special place in their life and that they genuinely enjoy your company.
The willingness to be flexible and accommodating to fit you into their schedule further signifies their desire to maintain a romantic connection and reignite the bond you once shared.
They Still Exhibit Signs of Physical Attraction

Physical attraction is not easily extinguished, and if your ex still loves you, they may exhibit signs of lingering desire. Maintaining eye contact and smiling flirtatiously suggests that they still find you captivating.
Touching your arm, shoulder, or hand during conversation can signify a desire for physical connections. Leaning in closer when you speak shows a level of intimate interest. These subtle yet significant actions point to a continued spark of attraction that your ex has yet to let go of.
Deciphering whether an ex still loves you can be a complex task. However, by paying close attention to the signs outlined above, you can gain a clearer understanding of their emotions. From consistent communication and jealousy to efforts to stay connected with your loved ones, the signs of love are often evident in their actions.
Whether it’s reminiscing about past memories or making a genuine effort to change and make amends, your ex’s behaviors speak volumes about their ongoing feelings. Ultimately, a combination of these signs can provide valuable insight into whether your ex still holds onto love for you.
If you wanna read more about this subject, this article from WikiHow showing 16 tell-tale signs is good!